Upon reading its Ambassador content, I decided to write this
column and be posted on its site upon its ADMINISTRATOR’s approval to inform
everybody that a leader are required in every walk of life and every organization,
to lead them. As well as good qualities of a leader, something that every
person will give a different answer to, but the basic underlying fact that all
of them will recognize, that a leader has to motivate others to do the right
By definition, a leader, a founder or an organizer, has the task of leading his followers to meet the requirements of certain objectives and goals. Any person who combines the authority and the responsibility that he has been entrusted with, in order to motivate people to work towards common goals, can be called leaders. The best qualities of a leader or founding leaders therefore are motivation and vision. He must motivate people so that they do not deter from the path of achievement. However if the founding leader is a deceiver and trickster, this is a something having bad effect to the organization.
Leaders are not made, it is said, and they are born. This is true because not everyone can lead. Ironically, some people can be a founding leaders but cannot lead, and constantly require some person to overlook their activities and remind them about the ultimate goal, so they are not cut out for leadership. The best leaders are those who are born with the good qualities of a leader naturally.
Inspirational Competence
This is possibly the most important characteristic out of all the
qualities of founding leaders. The primary goal of a leader is to motivate his
followers to achieve their results, and fulfill their goals. This can only be
done through proper means of motivation. Everything else that follows is simply
a way of motivating individuals or organization. Leaders must not be a LIAR’s.
Leader always leads organization. So, he has to have the ability to inculcate good establishment spirit within the members of an organization. He has to ensure that there are no problems between the various organization members, and that everyone is working for the betterment of the organization, and in tandem with each other. No one person can be bigger than the organization and it is the founding leader's duty to make sure that everything is working smoothly. The qualities of a founding leader should enable him to keep every organization records updated and precisely correct.
Ability to Communicate
The nature of the job of a founding leader requires him to
interact, speak and write correctly with many people. As a result, he should
possess effective communication skills and should have the ability to get the
message across. Being ambiguous is not advisable, and he should be able to
clearly state what he needs to say. The best qualities of a leader are those
which enable him to be stern and friendly at any time and not ONE SIDED and
Ability of Handing over
The primary task of a leader is to assign tasks to people. It will
therefore be a big help if he knows his organization members profile well. Good
knowledge of his organization strengths and weaknesses will assist him in
deciding who must do what. The manner, in which this delegation of
responsibility is carried out, will go a long way in determining the success of
the organization. If a person is doing a job that he is not suited to do, the
leader must shift him somewhere where he will be better suited. But a good
leader should not discriminate any member’s achievement and educational
Take Responsibility
A leader must know that he is responsible for the organization
achievements and failures. If the organization fails in a certain endeavour, he
must have the courage of taking responsibility for that, and he should not run
for that responsibility then return back and claiming their originality. He
must not blame his organization members if any changes comes, because the
organization have the right’s to amend the Constitution and its By-Laws in
respects of the two third votes of every “”Organizations Councils Meeting, this
is the only way that the members of an organization can come to trust if an
amended laws is suited to the welfare of the organization and not a personal
interest by an organizers or founders. Therefore a founding leader should not
act as dictators.
there are some more qualities of a leader those are more personal in nature and take the leaders characteristics into consideration. It goes without saying that an organization leader must be honest and truthful. It will be impossible to achieve the best results under a dishonest or unscrupulous leader who run out of responsibilities, and returned back claiming ï am HE the founding GOD of the Adamas Nu Omega Fraternity and the a son is the successor of their stupidity.
The qualities of a good founding leader that make him/her likable to the organization are all revolve around how simple and approachable the leader is. He/she will not lead to any ploy and trick to know his/her members whereabouts and profiles in the internet. He/she should show restraint in making his/her approach to every member or non-member of the organization to avoid undermining somebody’s confidence. If any organization member is experiencing some problems, that person should feel free to approach the offended party and talk about it. This can be achieved only if the leader encourages this quality, and only if people who have approached the offended party before have received an amicable solution.
Always providing accurate information
This is one of the qualities of a leader that is often overlooked
by members of the ANΩ fraternity. A leader who constantly changes his or her
tune will confuse the organization members and this will lower their loyalty
and productivity. A leader must not be a LIAR and ONE SIDED, therefore be
consistent in his actions, his languages in words and in writings, and in his
thoughts as well. Leaders who are biased never make good leaders, so he should
be completely neutral and should display consistency that amazes everyone. Good
leaders should not encourage members of the organization to kill and to be
killed. Leaders should not be proud of being a murderer.
Thoroughly professional
No one likes a slack founding leader. It goes without saying that
the best performer or the person who is most passionate and committed should be
made the leader. This ensures that a level of professionalism is maintained,
and that no one starts taking it easy at any point in time. It's easy to get
carried away with a position of power, so the best leaders are those who use
their power for the betterment of everyone, not abuse their power for their own
personal betterment.
With direct relationship
Lastly, a founding leader must also know how to have fun. He
should get to know his organization members and should not appear as Godly
firebrand leader, rabble-rouser, and or rigid personality. The team members
should see that the leader is after all just human, and there is a fun side to
him as well. The best leaders are those who combine these qualities of
professionalism and personalization and still manage to keep their organization
members motivated and happy.
So, these were the qualities of a leader that make him/her stand out in a crowd. With experience, these qualities can be polished and improved, but an individual must be born with most of these qualities to make a good leader. The importance of a good leader is absolutely crucial, and without an efficient leader, many teams will simply crumble.
So, these were the qualities of a leader that make him/her stand out in a crowd. With experience, these qualities can be polished and improved, but an individual must be born with most of these qualities to make a good leader. The importance of a good leader is absolutely crucial, and without an efficient leader, many teams will simply crumble.
THE WRITER IS A FORMER MEMBER OF ADAMAS NU OMEGA Fraternity UEP CATARMAN NORTHERN SAMAR (email dated: 18th of Sept 2010) Published: 19/Sept/2010